Friday, May 8, 2009

May 2009

Wow where does the time go, i thought i would be able to update at least once a week, and its already been 3 months! So much has happened, the kids are growing and getting so big! Where do i start?
Mikaya and Mackenzie turned 2 on April 19! Hard to believe these two are another year older! They sure keep me busy and on my toes! Mikaya is into trucks and loves to wrestly with daddy. He loves to be outside and play with his cars. He has figured out how to push a scooter, play in the sandbox and make a big mess and pick on and tease his sister!Mikaya loves to get into anything he can, like the cabinets, cupboards, refride, etc. MIkaya favorite word is DADDY!
Mackenzie is a little girl in everyway. She loves her blankets and dolls, strollers and purses. She still loves to be cuddled and held. She loves Barney and loves to try and get on the computer.Mackenzie favorite word is GEORGE. i hear that all the time and also NO GEORGE!
Briana is busy with her active life! she is finishing up preschool. Her graduation date is May 15! i can't believe my little one is finishing her first year of preschool! Mike and I are so proud of her, she truly is blooming into a lovel little girl! She is loving baton, dance and piano, she loves to play outside. She loves to bake, cook, make anything. she love to make arts and crafts and lay it out all over the house. if you were to stop by unannounced the house would be quite a mess. She overtakes every room with her projects, daddys office the walls, mommys tables, i said Enough is enough! But that didnt' work to well! LOL

April 2009

Mikaya and Mackenzie turn 2~!

We celebrated a family birthday party with the Sesame Street Theme. I even made my first birthday cake that came out really good, at least i thougth so. One was a banana elmo cake and the second one was a butter recipe with strawberry filing with the sesame street theme. The kids loved it! I thought they were pretty tasty myself, lol. Of course trying to get 2 cakes made was a little hard when the kids couldnt understand why they couldnt lick the spoons and put em back in! LOL.

For there birthday we took them to Kalahari Waterpark, we love that place and so do they! They do such a good job on the slides, and in the water! We attempted to go out to eat but they in no way will stay seated, what a wild zoo that is to see!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I really thought i would be able to post on here more frequently! I don't know where the time goes, already a month has went by. Things here are great! Briana had her 1st Valentines Party at school and was so excited to have treat bags sent home. She had a mexican fiesta party and the kids sang songs, learned numbers, colors and words in spanish, and broke a pinata. She had her school pictures taken, and did a fantastic job smiling! She is such a ham and a cutie pie when she wants to be. She takes after me, by not being a morning person! she doesn't like to be bothered and just wants her pillow and blanket on the couch. She has been so excited as she has been invited to several birthday parties at school. Briana loves baton and ballet, and looks to forward to them each week. She is really growing, makes me feel sad when i see that she is turning into a little girl who doesn't need mommy or daddy's help and has a mind of her own. She is really into SPongebob, and laughs hysterical at him and Patrick. We took Briana to see Dora Live and she loved it! She especially loved the snacks that she could eat during the show.

Mikaya is doing good. Never a dull moment in this house. He still uses my chairs as ladders to get up on the counters to get in the cupboards, he has figured out that if he pulls hard enough the locks will pop off the doors, he has managed to figure out how to pop the lock off the gate so he can sneak out front! He is very inquisitive (not sure of spelling, lol), He loves to run the sweeper, carry around my candles and try to eat dog bones! I think i am going to start to make dot bone cookies! He is growing so fast, and is getting tall, and has thinned out quite a bit.

Mackenzie is also his partner in crime. Usually she is following behind him, with the chairs, sneaking dog bones, etc. I have to say that she is the bully out of the two and has quite a temper. I have to be on the look out or it isnot to unlikely for her to bite, ouch or shove Mikaya, and sometimes Briana too! she loves her baby dolls, and blankets. They both love Play with me Seasame.

On the off days of school we try and go to Playground world which is a bunch of outdoor play equipment inside so the kids can blow off some energy. We sure are busy and I am sure ready for warmer weather, tired of the cold and snow.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our trip to Kalahari!

Wow what a great place to go with the kids! We had a blast and it was nice to get away from the cold and the snow. We went at the last minute and it was great. Our kids are loving the slides and the water. At first Mikaya and Mackenzie didn't want to go down the slide, but Mike and I took them down once and that was it watch out! it was non-stop after that!

More snow play...

The kids play in the snow!

Here is the first time Mikaya and Mackenzie played in the snow. They didn't know what to think, Briana loved it like usual. By the 2nd day they were going down the slide! Now it is to cold to go out!