Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our trip to Kalahari!

Wow what a great place to go with the kids! We had a blast and it was nice to get away from the cold and the snow. We went at the last minute and it was great. Our kids are loving the slides and the water. At first Mikaya and Mackenzie didn't want to go down the slide, but Mike and I took them down once and that was it watch out! it was non-stop after that!

More snow play...

The kids play in the snow!

Here is the first time Mikaya and Mackenzie played in the snow. They didn't know what to think, Briana loved it like usual. By the 2nd day they were going down the slide! Now it is to cold to go out!

Happy New Year-2009!

It is hard to believe that it is 2009! In a few months Mikaya and Mackenzie will be 2, Mike will be 38, and Briana will be 5! We are surviving-it has been so cold, we have been house bound, i haven't been out for days! I am going a little stir crazy but that is okay, good thing for the internet to keep in touch with friends and family.
We celebrated New Years Eve with everyone, at 12:00 everyone was awake and running around like a bunch of monkeys! By 12"30 everyone was passed out! We had snakes and sparkling juice, that everyone loved and leftover birthday cake, yummy.

Mike & Melissa celebrate #8...years of marriage!

It has been 8 years! We remember this day 8 years ago when we were in Disney getting married. i have to laugh because we got married on there coldest day in years, 38 degrees! What fun that was, and we can't wait to take the kids there! Mike got me a GORGEOUS ring with 5 diamonds that represents the family. With my stone on the middle as I am the rock that holds us together! and then 2 on each side, how thougthful of him. He said he wanted me to have it so i cold wear it instead of giving it to me in 50 years, what a great idea! LOL. He also got me some sexy lingere, lol, that briana love to try on!

Melissa celebrates her 36 birthday!

Well I turned 36 this month, my birthday was great. Got to spend it with the kids. We went to the mall, and did Build a Bear, had lunch and then came home for a nice dinner. Mike came home from work and we celebrated with an ice cream cake, my favorite! The kids all loved it to!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas at Grandma's and PaPa's

We celebrated the holiday with Grandma and PaPa Camodeca on Sunday. The kids of course loved it! more presents to open and play with. Mikaya loved his new train and dinosaurs. Mackenzie loved her baby doll and new clothes and Briana loved everything! She put on her Disney princess outfit and played with her Barbie and the DIamond castle barbie doll, and computer. We enjoyed spending time with our grandparents. Mikaya loved to do laps in the house while Papa followed behind him. I think, well i know, the kid wore both of them out! They also loved to slide down the steps numerous times! Giving mommy a heart attack. We enjoyed breakfast and then got dressed and played more toys! In the afternoon Uncle John and Virgina came over and the kids got more presents, lol, a bus, a princess throne and a fire truck. More great gifts.

After that i went to the cemetary to say hello to my mom. Always hard, as she is missed dearly. I so wish that she could be here to see the kids, but knowing that she is looking down on us makes me smile.

That night it was off to Madison, and Katie's birthday party. What fun that was, and the kids loved being with other kiddos. Mikaya and Mackenzie did so good until they raided Aunt Laurie's chocolate bowl, with hershey kisses in it and ate a bunch with foil and all! they were a chocolate mess! Oh well, what fun. Briana loved playing with Madison and didn't want to come home. When the party was over we went home to Grandma's and what was i thinking, i actually thought the kids were tired, and would go to bed! Um NOT<>

Christmas at our house!

On Christmas Eve Briana feed the reindeer and wanted to wait up for Santa clause. She ended up falling asleep and having visions of sugarplums, lol. The kids slept in til 9:30-10:00. They all awoke to stockings on their bed and Briana couldn't wait to get downstairs to see if any presents were left. Briana ran downstairs and couldnt' wait to open up her gifts, she said SANTA was here! She said he ate my cookie but left some milk. She then ran to the door and said look reindeer tracks (I think they were George's paw prints but who cares!) She was a ipening present machine, tearing through gift after gift! Mikaya and Mackenzie also loved to open there gifts, Mackenzie wanted to open her gifts slowly and then move on th Mikaya's. Mikaya wanted to open one gift and then play with it. He loved his escavator truck and moved it around the kitchen. Mackenzie loved her new blanket and her little bear that needed a bottle. Briana loved all of her presents, and was a little disappointed that she got her Sleeping Beauty princess vanity but the accessories were missing! So she couldn't play with it at all. But she loved her fake food and didn't want to share any of it. After the gifts were open we had breakfast and tried to get dressed! We love watching the kids play with their toys and later in the afternoon Grandpa Rumple and Great Grandma Rumple came up to visit us for a few hours.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanuakka

Happy Holidays! Wow December just flew by, so much to celebrate! We celebrated the Rumple Family Christmas on December 19. All the family was there and this was the first trip back home in almost 18 months. Briana wanted to know why Grandpa Rumple lived so far away. Mikaya slept most of the way home and Briana enjoyed a movie while Mackenzie ate tic tacs to keep her entertained. We had a wonderful time a the party and the kids loved opening gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Rumple. Briana loved spending time with Aunt Deanna and Pedro the dog. The kids enjoyed seeing cousins they haven't seen in a while and Mommy enjoyed food and some relaxing while the kids played.