Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas at our house!

On Christmas Eve Briana feed the reindeer and wanted to wait up for Santa clause. She ended up falling asleep and having visions of sugarplums, lol. The kids slept in til 9:30-10:00. They all awoke to stockings on their bed and Briana couldn't wait to get downstairs to see if any presents were left. Briana ran downstairs and couldnt' wait to open up her gifts, she said SANTA was here! She said he ate my cookie but left some milk. She then ran to the door and said look reindeer tracks (I think they were George's paw prints but who cares!) She was a ipening present machine, tearing through gift after gift! Mikaya and Mackenzie also loved to open there gifts, Mackenzie wanted to open her gifts slowly and then move on th Mikaya's. Mikaya wanted to open one gift and then play with it. He loved his escavator truck and moved it around the kitchen. Mackenzie loved her new blanket and her little bear that needed a bottle. Briana loved all of her presents, and was a little disappointed that she got her Sleeping Beauty princess vanity but the accessories were missing! So she couldn't play with it at all. But she loved her fake food and didn't want to share any of it. After the gifts were open we had breakfast and tried to get dressed! We love watching the kids play with their toys and later in the afternoon Grandpa Rumple and Great Grandma Rumple came up to visit us for a few hours.

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